29 August 2012

Fort Campbell celebrates the retirement of Command Sergeant Major Marvin L. Hill

Fort Campbell, KY Fort Campbell KY, 101st Airborne Division- It was a veritable Who’s Who that showed up at Fort Campbell on Friday to attend the retirement ceremony of Command Sergeant Major, Marvin L. Hill. During his long service Command Sergeant Major Hill made his mark on both the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, and the U.S. Army as a whole.
Gen. David H. Petraeus (U.S. Army Ret), the Former Commander of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), and current Director of the Central Intelligence Agency was on hand to commemorate his long service. Director Petraeus was introduced by Maj. Gen. James C. McConnell The commander of the 101st Airborne Division.

Hill chose Fort Campbell, home of the Screaming Eagles, as the backdrop for his retirement after serving the nation for more than three decades. Hill served as the division command sergeant major under Petraeus as they led the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) in to Iraq in 2003. Petraeus would go on to command U.S. Central Command and NATO International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan; Hill would serve as the command sergeant major, or senior non-commissioned officer, in both assignments.

Maj. Gen. McConville called Command Sergeant Major Hill one of the greatest senior non-commissioned officers who ever served in the 101st Airborne Division, and spoke about the honor given to the hundred first Airborne Division of hosting Hills retirement ceremony.

“It is a great honor for the 101st Airborne Division (air assault) to have the privilege of hosting this retirement ceremony for command Sgt. Maj. Hill, who has done so much for our division, so much for our Army, and so much for our nation.”

After his remarks McConville turned the podium over to Gen. David H. Petraeus (U.S. Army Ret.)

“Holly and I are absolutely delighted to be here with you all to celebrate the 70th anniversary of this great Division, and most importantly to join you this morning and helping to honor the great Command Sergeant Major, Marvin L Hill and his wife Sharon, and his life of extraordinary service to our nation,” said Director Petraeus in his opening.

Petraeus then pointed out that Command Sergeant Major Hill served 18 years, over half of his 37 years in the U.S. Army Right here at Fort Campbell.

“Indeed up front, I think everyone here will agree that Command Sergeant Major Hill’s  service. Over the past decade. In particular, has earned him a truly distinguished place in our Army’s history. In my view in fact he has been the most valuable player of the All-Star team that is been comprised of our most senior non-commissioned officers combat leaders during that decade.”

He thanked Maj. Gen. McConville, for inviting him to participate in the retirement ceremony and the 101st Airborne Division review that would close out the 2012 Week of the Eagles celebration.

Petraeus recognized the contribution made by the senior non-commissioned officers in the Army, “It is well-known and widely recognized that one of the greatest strengths of Army if not the greatest strength is the core of non-commissioned officers who serve in the Army’s ranks. They have been our standard-bearers, and standard-enforcers. The individual and small unit training experts. The keepers of our traditions and culture. The continuity in our platoons, companies, and battalions.”


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